One on One with Placide Buduri

Operations Manager at La Cantera Resort & Spa

Meet Michelle Mayotte, Boca Terry’s Newest Team Member

Boca Terry’s newest team member comes with extensive experience of the hospitality industry.  “Hospitality is a passion found within. It means “receiving and entertaining guests in a way that makes them feel well taken care of. It leverages ambiance, service and products or amenities to provide guests with the best experience possible”. For me, it … Continued

Travelers Are Back, Yet Challenges Persist

An international response to so-called cabin fever fueled this increase, post-pandemic. Hotels are filling up and cruise lines are experiencing robust occupancy. American tourists are tending to stay in the United States, in part due to Covid-related travel restrictions and instabilities in some parts of the world. While business travel revenue nationwide dipped 1 percent … Continued

Winter Robe Purchases to Make Your Guests Feel Snug

As guests return to hotels and spas, they’re attuned to the finer elements you offer—not only amenities such as robes, but also the quality of each item. They want to feel nurtured. Boca Terry offers four robes that are ideal for the chilly months. Order now to receive them in time for winter. Stock up … Continued

Exclusive interview with Darryl Hill, GM of The Grand Galvez, Texas

Darryl Hill has managed the stately Grand Galvez in historic Galveston for a decade, and oversees purchasing for parent company Seawall Hospitality, which currently owns another boutique hotel in Key West, Florida. He spent a lively hour with Boca Terry sharing his observations. Boca Terry We hear an accent that is surely not Texan. Do … Continued

Understanding the Tax Issue Called ‘Nexus’

Chat with your peer at a sister facility in another state, and you may discover you pay more for Boca Terry waffle robes, or less for slippers. You both buy the same model, from the same supplier—us. Why the price difference? The difference is called Nexus, and it’s a tax matter. Nexus is easy to … Continued

Everything You Need to Stock a Spa

Use this checklist to make sure your spa is well-equipped with a full array of durable products that will pamper your guests. Order the tried-and-true items Boca Terry keeps in stock, or custom-order merchandise with special engravings, colors and/or materials. Robes Choose from two dozen varieties including terry, waffle and microfiber — even kid sizes … Continued

Live and In-Person —Boca Terry Heads to Trade Shows

Merchandise is stuck on ships that are stuck in the water. It might be awhile before some arrives.

Boca Terry Robes Reside in the Most Unusual Places

Thin and thick, soft and softer, Boca Terry robes enwrap guests in hotels and spas from Miami to Manila. You’d expect that. But guess what? Our robes…

Ready to Wow Your Guests? Stock Up on New Robes

Ready to Wow Your Guests? Stock Up on New Robes

What a year we’ve all had. We’re on an upswing, thankfully, with guests returning to hotels and spas in bigger numbers. That slow surge is likely to continue well past Spring 2021.