Short-Term Savings Can Equal Long-Term Headaches

13 Reasons Why Bathrobes Make the Best GiftsThere are many elements that enter the equation when purchasing supplies for your Hotel or Spa. We have all heard or used the expression “let’s compare apples to apples.”However, sometimes two apples look alike, but they’re very different.

When comparing two apples, if one apples looks like an apple, but tastes like soap, it really doesn’t matter if it costs less, does it? If your customer tastes this unpleasant apple at your establishment (pardon the pun), it leaves a bad taste when it comes to their perception of your hotel.

If one of the apples costs less, but spoils much more quickly, is it really saving you money? Well, if you consider how often you have to replace rotten apples, you might just see the value in paying for the better, more consistent apple.

At Boca Terry, we don’t sell apples, but the bathrobes we provide to our customers are meant to be delicious and satisfying, all at an appetizing cost. We recently became aware that another robe company is selling a bathrobe that’s similar to one of our most popular styles, but they’re missing a key fabric component. And with that, they are offering their version of one of our bathrobe models for a lower price tag (about 20% lower than Boca Terry’s price).

We asked a prospective customer who is using that robe model to send it to us to have a look at it. Here is what we found:

  • The robe looked like an apple, but tasted like soap. The missing fabric component is the one that makes it delicious to the touch.
  • Excluding that fabric cuts the cost substantially and explains the difference in price.
  • It also leads to a shorter bathrobe lifespan due to aging and the fact that it shrinks much more rapidly after being washed.

That all translates into having to order replacement bathrobes more often.  So ultimately, it becomes clear why our apple is the one of better value.

If you want to impress your superiors and your guests, make sure you are looking at more than just the shiny exterior of your products. Look for differences and ask what those differences might mean for you and your guests. Sometimes a bargain is a bargain—but sometimes it’s just a rotten apple.

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