4th of July Take Away – Independence Day 2013

Happy July 4 2013

This Fourth of July, the strides of freedom and courage we have made as a nation will be remembered. May our hearts swell with pride in our history, with compassion for our fellow Americans, and the determination to work hard to make this country better than it already is. May we never take our freedom for granted.

Happy Independence Day from all of us here at Boca Terry!


Beautiful Fireworks Throughout our Nation this Past July 4th

Now that July 4th is over and we are back to work (bummer), we want to leave you with some of the most beautiful fireworks our nation had this past 4th of July. You can find a full slideshow here.

Museum of Art - Philadelphia
Museum of Art – Philadelphia
Lake Union Fireworks - Seattle
Lake Union – Seattle
Empire Estate Building - NYC
Empire Estate Building – NYC
Capitol Building - Washington
Capitol Building – Washington

Image source: Huffington Post

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