Environmental Showdown: Reusable Towels vs. Air Dryers

Environmental Showdown: Reusable Towels vs. Air DryersIt’s been the great debate for years. Reusable hand towels or air dryers more effective and hygienic?

It might be surprising, but studies show that reusable towels are actually way more sanitary than traditional hand dryers, even when used by others.

Here’s why: air dryers actually host and spread bacteria due to their moist environment.

Why do companies opt for dryers? They find that it is more environmentally friendly than using disposable paper towels, which not only come from trees but also increase the company’s output of waste. However, many business owners have not considered the possibilities of using reusable, fabric hand towels. This option, even when used over and over, has been found to significantly reduce the amount of bacteria for users while also reducing a company’s output of trash. It’s a win-win situation!

These findings have allowed business owners to understand what is a better idea for them, their staff, and their customers, emphasizing the use and effectiveness of hand towels in public bathrooms. Business owners, if that has struck a chord with you, then it might be time to make the switch.

Review our selection of towels (including hand towels) and narrow down the right fit for your business.

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